Fountain Water Treatment

Fountain water treatment should be carried out year round at regular intervals to ensure your water remains crystal clear and algae free.
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Fountain Water Treatment Chemicals

When it comes to maintaining a water fountain, the materials they are made from such as copper and stainless steel mean that most strong or harsh chemicals should not be used as they can damage the metal.

For cleaning your water fountain, we’d advise the use of mild products like household soap to avoid causing damage. If your fountain needs a deep clean, you can use stronger cleaning solutions in small quantities however before doing so you should check this is approved by the fountain’s manufacturer.

For water treatment purposes, specialised solutions have been developed to help slow the growth of algae and white scale. In most cases, a change in water along with a splash of these solutions will help to keep the supply clean and fresh. Vinegar can also be used to treat the water as it is mild enough to cause no harm to the fountain, but also has anti-bacterial properties that kills germs.

Water Treatment for Indoor Fountains

To preserve the hygiene of your indoor fountain, we recommend using distilled water in place of tap water which can contain pollutants like chlorine and potassium. Water that has been through the distillation process will contain none of these elements, which ensures that it is fit for purpose from the outset.

To reduce the possibility of any germs or bacteria developing and spoiling the water, you should also regularly clean the water fountain’s pump. This is an important part of water fountain maintenance as it is common for grime and sludge to collect here, which could lead to the accelerated growth of algae.

For continual treatment of the water, harsh chemicals which are used for other water systems are not advised as they can damage the water fountain. Instead, to keep the water fresh you should add a cup or two of white apple cider vinegar to the supply as it has the perfect pH to kill many harmful bacteria that may be present.

Outdoor Fountain Water Treatment

With outdoor fountains, there are a number of factors that can contaminate your water supply like pollen, insects and leaves. To combat this build-up of debris, much like an indoor fountain, we recommend regular cleaning with a particular focus on the water pump. The intervals at which you should clean your outdoor fountain will vary depending on the time of year and the weather conditions it is exposed to.

You can also introduce fountain care solutions into the water supply to prevent the development of algae and scale however as there are many of these products available you should double check which are safe to use with your outdoor fountain. Alongside this, it is also beneficial to keep your outdoor fountain running year round where possible, as moving water creates a more difficult environment for the growth of algae.

Water Fountain Algae Treatment

The excessive growth of algae within a water fountain can quickly lead to a deterioration in the water’s hygiene. If your water fountain has become overrun with algae, the first step will be clean it.

To do so, you should start by draining the fountain and scrubbing any areas of algae growth with a non-abrasive sponge or brush and mild soap. You should pay particular attention when cleaning the pump as this usually sees the greatest build-up of algae as the water continually passes through.

Once the fountain and all equipment is clean, you should rinse out any remaining soap or cleaning products and then hook the pump back up.

It is hard to completely prevent algae forming in a water fountain as it can grow wherever there is water present. To keep algae at bay as much as possible, it is recommended to use distilled water and an algae preventative solution. As these methods will only slow the build-up of algae, regular and thorough cleaning remains the most comprehensive solution for both indoor and outdoor water fountains.